Moving from South Korea
We've been in South Korea over a year now, and it's been awesome. We found out a few weeks ago that the Air Force is sending my guy to...South Carolina.
I know, right?! South Korea to South Carolina?
I'm not gonna lie, when I first heard the news, to say I was "disappointed" is an understatement. I was salty. Mostly because the other possibilities were Germany or Italy. 😜 But also because a big part of the reason I signed up for this lifestyle was the opportunity to travel with my partner.
His military career + my digital nomad work has been working out great for us. And now we're being told we have to go back to the familiar. It just seemed anticlimactic. What's the point of being able to work anywhere if I'm "just back in the States?"
But the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized how ridiculous I'm being. That this is still an adventure. Everything is. It's all mindset.
Just because it's someplace "more familiar" doesn't mean you can't have new experiences. Even in a foreign country, things can become routine. And in your own hometown, you can have new adventures that are more about learning and people than place. I'm not familiar at all with the south; I'm excited to learn more about it than just the stereotypes I've had of sweet tea and confederate flags. You can have adventures and keep exploring wherever you are. Also, I'll be learning how to sail. (Pirate dreams do come true.)
I'm still processing what this move means for me and my business, but in some ways, I'm really looking forward to moving back stateside. Especially for the community. I never really found that "one big neighborhood" feeling is Seoul, but I think the south is gonna rock that.
If you're a southern-based boss, please say hey! I'd love to meet up when I get to town. And I already plan to taking lots of road trips to Georgia, Louisiana, and North Carolina, too.
Keep on exploring. ⚡️